New words – 3 June 2024

close-up of a person's hands holding an empty wallet, illustrating the concept of brokefishing
Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty

brokefishing noun [U]
UK /ˈbrəʊk.fɪʃ.ɪŋ/ US /ˈbroʊk.fɪʃ.ɪŋ/
the practice of pretending to have less money than you really do, in order to trick another person into buying things for you

It turned out that Siobhan had fallen victim to a trend for a misrepresentation of money – sometimes called “brokefishing” – that has been rising as the cost of living continues to bite. You’ll know the perpetrators as the friends who make an empty promise to pick up brunch “next time”. A new riff on catfishing, this is where someone paints a misleading picture of their monetary situation in order to coax you into providing from your own coffers.
[, 6 April 2024]

See also catfishing

tip creep noun [U]
/ˈtɪp ˌkriːp/
the fact that the practice of tipping is gradually spreading to many more services and industries

But ever since the pandemic, during which consumers placed an increased emphasis on supporting essential service workers and establishments, so-called tip creep has begun to invade even the most mundane transactions. Places that normally wouldn’t, like self-checkouts, are now asking for an added dollar or two, usually behind a nondescript digital screen that ultimately shames more than it encourages.
[, 19 May 2023]

cheapflation noun [U]
the situation when the price of a product stays the same or increases but its main ingredient is present in a smaller amount or lower quality

A number of major brands stocking chocolate, sauces, fish, meat, and other products in France have been accused of “cheapflation” by a leading consumer watchdog. Under “cheapflation” the amount of a product’s ingredient (sometimes the main part) decreases significantly, or is replaced with a lower quality, cheaper and often unhealthier alternative. At the same time, however, the price of the product increases.
[, 7 February 2024]

See also shrinkflation, ripflation, skimpflation, greedflation

About new words

One thought on “New words – 3 June 2024

  1. floreslorenalali

    Hi everyone! Here,in Argentina, cheapinflation has increased significantly over the years.This is a “trend” that we are suffering from in impoverished countries.

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